
Viva la Rose Bar

  • $10.00

Change your mind in vaginal flora


This bar will refresh your sacred spots, control your ph balance to alkaline & exfoliate an area that we are so prideful about. The VAGINA‼️

After your menstruation, or a fresh shave ,this bar will have you feeling so invigorated with its scrub and soapy effect all at the same time. Relieving you from those stubborn ingrown hairs with just a circular motion in the area while using the shower or bath. Powerful yet gentle & effective for all skin types.All the herbs infused into the oils to create this bar are for ph regulation, lingering fishy scents after menstration & with consistent use toned smooth skin free of ingrowns, or bumps from shaving‼️

Aloe Vera Barnibus gel, yarrow flower buds, rose extract, Yerba matte root, raspberry mint leaf extract, Medina leaves, st Lucian purple sea moss,apple extract , kiwi extract , natural loofah pieces,menthol